Our Mission
Promote interest in the sport and craft of mountaineering, foster fellowship among climbers of the Chicago/Midwest area, disseminate mountaineering knowledge and information, develop skill in the climbing techniques of its Members, and sponsor local practice outings and periodic western outings.
About The Club
Membership in the Club is open to anyone who is 18 years of age or older, is seriously interested in climbing (rock, ice, or alpine), and has participated in at least three Club-Sponsored local outings or one Western Outing.
The Chicago Mountaineering Club is a proud supporter of the Access Fund. Many climbing areas could have been closed and lost forever had it not been for the efforts of this vital organization. Among the Funds recent efforts, it has been lobbying the state of Wisconsin against its efforts to limit climbing access. The Club views support of the Access Fund by all climbers as extremely important.
We are also actively supporter of the Mountaineering Foundation of Chicago (MFC). Under special agreement, the MFC allows the Club and its members access to the John Speck Memorial Library. The Library consists of mountaineering books, guides, pamphlets and journals. It also contains materials related to the Club’s history, and serves as an archive for other Club records.
The club was started by a group of climbers at the University of Chicago but has grown to include members throughout the country. The club has a rich history and is proud of its diverse members who have achieved many first ascents for all climbing disciplines including alpine, rock, and ice.